On September 25, 2019, the International School Network visited the Embassy of Kuwait to interview the Ambassador. His Excellency Mr. Hasan Mohammad Zaman
H.E. Mr. Zaman explained that education in Kuwait is obligatory and an important focus of the country. Students in Kuwait tend to be very strong in geography, and are therefore familiar with Japan as a big economy. H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that he notices students of both Kuwait and Japan to be polite, patient, and organized.
With a population of only 1.2 million, Kuwait receives help from other nations, especially from Asia and the Middle East for building infrastructure and increasing job opportunities.
H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that what unites the nation is religion, which reflects the traditions, ideas, and customs of the nation. H.E. Mr. Zaman also noted that the Arabic language is a strong factor that brings together the people of Kuwait.
H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that Kuwait has a very hot climate, with sand storms during mid September and June. Tourism in Kuwait is famous for its modern towers and stylish and entertaining malls, as well as its natural view of beaches and the desert. H.E. Mr. Zaman recommends visitors to visit the desert in the winter.

H.E. Mr. Zaman expressed his hopes for students between Kuwait and Japan to further their connections. He explained that most Kuwaiti students come to Japan to study the Japanese language, so he hopes that more can come to study the culture behind the Japanese language, which is the literature and the customs of Japan. On the other hand as well, H.E. Mr. Zaman commented that he hopes Japanese students can receive scholarships in Kuwait to study the Arabic language.
H.E. Mr. Zaman hopes to show nations the traditions and lifestyle of Kuwaiti people. He explained that the Middle Eastern people do not live a “rich” lifestyle but rather a lifestyle full of tradition and values.
Trust between countries is one main challenge noted by H.E. Mr. Zaman. He hopes that he can change mentalities so that people can be more peaceful, and encouraged to fix problems in a peaceful manner. H.E. Mr. Zaman explained that education affects life and the mentality of a whole population. He mentioned that an example in the change of mentalities, fueled by education, is that of post-war Japan. After the war, Japanese people had passed the era by concentrating and learning to live in peace. One similar issue H.E. Mr. Zaman notices between Kuwait and Japan is its concentration on helping other nations that are in need. Both Kuwait and Japan have been contributing to humanity issues in the world without a profit incentive. H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that there is the duty of a rich country to assist in humanity issues in other countries, such as peace and poverty. In such manner, H.E. Mr. Zaman noted Kuwait to be an advocate for world peace. Furthermore in 2016, the leader for the UN humanitarian issue was Kuwaiti.

GlobalizationH.E. Mr. Zaman noted that globalization is the connection of various parts of the world due to technology and the easier travel and communication opportunities it brought across borders. He mentioned that globalization is a driving factor that improves the relations between people.

H.E. Mr. Zaman’s ambition since he started secondary grade school was to become a diplomat. From a young age, he has been interested in politics, history, and geography, and had a passion to become an Ambassador eventually. He explained that he is proud to represent his people, and is honored to work in Japan. Japan to H.E. Mr. Zaman is a great country that shares a good political and economic relation with Kuwait. He expressed his gratitude of being welcomed by Japan.
H.E. Mr. Zaman first read about Japan, where he learnt about the unique aspects of Japan that makes the country like an entirely different “planet”. H.E. Mr. Zaman described Japanese people as polite, respectful, and organized. He explained that Japanese people are accepting of others and keep to themselves, especially in terms of religions. In the end, H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that all people are human, and so culture and customs are not so different from one another. Respect for differences in any lifestyle is needed to truly understand our values.

Japan and Kuwait have had good relations since the independence of Kuwait in 1961. They have especially been partners in the oil sectors. Kuwait has made various investments in Japan as H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that Kuwait trusts Japan’s stability and systematicness.
Historically, H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that Kuwait will never forget the role Japan played in the liberation of Kuwait. Japan had supported Kuwait 13 million dollars during this rough time. Similarly, Kuwait has been helping Japan during times of need including the Great Tohoku Earthquake. H.E. Mr. Zaman noted that Kuwait donated 5 million barrels of oil to Japan. H.E. Mr. Zaman then explained that such support indicates great friendships.
H.E. Mr. Zaman’s goal is to enhance the relations between Kuwait and Japan, especially in terms of economics. He explained that the oil sector and investment climate has been good between the two countries, and so he has the focus of attracting more Japanese investment to Kuwait.