Panama on October 25th, 2023

On October 18th, 2023, the International School Network visited the embassy of Panama to interview the Ambassador His Excellency Mr. Carlos PERE.
October 7th of this year, when the bombing happened in Israel, the devastating occurrence became an unforgettable day for the Ambassador especially since it was on his birthday. On a different note, H.E. expressed his gratitude for the latest cooperation from Japan, which was the first nation from Asia to establish relations with Poland. H.E. thanked for financing Panama in building the metro which significantly changed the lives of 700,000 people.
Culture and Unity
First, H.E. stated the rather recent role of soccer uniting people. Panama is overall a happy country, and is expressive with their emotions. Second, carnivals are another factor that connects people as well as a means to appreciate culture in Panama. There is a national festival held every year, and the Panamanians' emotions can be clearly seen here.
H.E. points the various differences between Panama and Japan. First, Panama ranks in the top 10 unequal countries with 10% of the population not having access to the internet. What contributes to this is the fact that Panama lacks materials and tools such as the internet for education, unlike the majority of Japanese students. Moreover, people in Panama believe that building better education and citizens consists of knowledge both from the school and at individual homes.
Preservation of Tradition
“Yes, rather than the city area in Panama, the interior towns have better preservation of tradition” was what H.E. stated. In these areas, globalization has not set yet. Specifically, tradition is preserved in carnivals where cultural values are respected. Moreover, there are also indigenous tribes, “Mola” that are respected by the people of Panama, and are known for their art crafts.

Goals as an Ambassador
H.E. hopes to further strengthen collaboration between the two countries and strengthen the friendship. As Japan has made contributions to Panama with the train line 3, Panama has also contributed to Japan through the Panama Canal, being the 2nd most user, accounting for 60% of the overall users. Additionally, Panama was facing a deficit, Japan imported copper worth 350 million dollars, which contributed to alleviating Panama’s economy.
Message towards Japanese Students/People
To explore other countries and gain more values. Especially since Japanese students are given the opportunity to get an education, which is a true gift since not every child is given this, H.E. encourages Japanese students to take advantage of it.

Aspirations as a Child
As a child, H.E. aspired to become a tax lawyer as he enjoyed numbers. Initially, H.E. worked as a commercial director and was always interested in the business field. Thus, his mentality grew in this field and was not a political diplomat but a political appointer.
First Step towards World Peace
To achieve world peace, you cannot think about yourself and put your personal aspirations aside. The current world is going through dark moments especially with Ukraine and Russia, in addition to the attacks happening in Israel. H.E. expresses that these leaders are being greedy. For world peace, greed and personal agendas must be put aside and instead look at the world agenda. This is especially crucial because looking back to our history, we must realize that we haven’t achieved peace for a long time.
Qualities of Panama
Despite being a small country with just a population of 4 million, being smaller than Hakodate, and a population less than Shinjuku, Panama is successively in the top 3 leaders in the global green agenda, with negative carbon emission. 40% of its natural resources are preserved by law, which gives a big impact on the whole world. H.E. emphasizes that Panama is a true global leader, especially in the green sector.
The positives and negatives of globalization depend on how one utilizes what globalization offers. Globalization can be viewed as positive if it is utilized for the benefit of the people and countries. However, the reality is that there are both “ winners and losers”. Therefore, H.E. emphasizes the importance of all people engaging with one another, and not leaving any voices behind.

PANAMA On Febuary 27th, 2015
The International School Network went to the Embassy of Panama to interview Ambassador Mr. Ritter N. Diaz.
The Ambassador commented that the Education system is unique everywhere in the world. Each country has something to focus on, and education is constantly changing. He mentioned that the focus of education is currently moving towards a reliance on digital technology.
The Ambassador also told us the importance of maintaining peace over war. He says that the price of peace is expensive, but is less expensive than the cost of war. He peace is expensive. This is demonstrated on the flag of Panama, where the red represents the liberal party and the blue represents the conservative party. The Republic of Panama was established when the two parties stopped fighting and made peace, which is represented in the color of white. They understood that the cost of war is too high, including the lives lost and the money spent on weapons and activities. Therefore he comments that whatever the cost, it is important to maintain peace and to prevent from going to war.
The Ambassador’s message to students is to “feed your brain with good knowledge”. He says that when you are alone without your parents, knowledge will help you survive in the future. He says that it is important to be wise enough to use the knowledge so you can help yourself and the community.
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(Reported by Madoka Nishina)

Madoka Nishina 11th Saint Maur International School
Kate Shimizu 11th Seisen International School
Karen Nishina 5th Saint Maur International School