UNAFEI Conference
On June 16, 2014, high school studentsfrom Saint Maur International School,Seisen International School, YamateGakuin, and Yokohama Minato HighSchool went to UNAFEI (United NationsAsia and Far East Institute for thePrevention of Crime and the Treatment ofOffenders) to learn about the institute and toperform speeches at the conference room.At first, we went to the hall to watch anintroductory DVD about UNAFEI. After thebrief introduction, we went upstairs to theconference hall and watched a presentationby a Canadian psychologist, and adiscussion afterwards regarding the presentation.

Next, we went to eat lunch at the cafeteria.A few students brought their own lunch, butmost ordered the cafeteria lunch. Thecafeteria lunch was healthy and delicious.Here, the students talked and relaxed as theyprepared for the presentation. After lunch, we went upstairs to theconference hall to present. We sat aroundthe tables as two students went to theinterpreter booth. They translated theconference from English to Japanese forthe students who are not fluent in English.

As the narrator, I first announced the rulesof the presentations.When each group ofpresenters came up to the front, KarenNishina introduced everyone one by one,stating their names, ages, nationalities, andquick facts about them. There were four groups of presenters. Thepresenting groups from Yamate Gakuin,Yokohama Minato Sohgoh Gakkou, andSaint Maur International School (Team B)made presentations about education. Thesecond group from Saint MaurInternational School (Team A) presentedabout the convenience and beauty of citiesand streets. All groups presented inEnglish, and the presentations were welldone.
Yokohama Minato Sohgoh Gakkouperformed a play at the beginning of theirpresentation demonstrating a conversationby multicultural exchange students whomeet at a school.