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焼却灰埋め立 当時International Schoolに通われているご父兄の依頼を受け書いたものです

 仁科研(横浜の焼却灰埋め立て) 2011年9月11日






















したがって5100×1/10×2.0/100000000 = 0.00001シーベルト/kg = 10 マイクロシーベルト/㎏









I am here to explain to you all the questions you have in mind, about all you need to know, in an easy and understandable language about the ash burial in Yokohama. As you know, in hydroelectricity we use water, and in heat energy we use oil.

In nuclear energy, we use uranium.

Uranium is a big atom that if you artificially put a Neutron, then breaks up the uranium. And as the uranium breaks into lots of new atoms, they produce huge heat energy and radiation. From this heat, the water changes into vapor and the vapor moves the generator and the generator produces electricity.

Inside the broken uranium atom, there are iodine 131 and cesium 134, etc. In March, when the nuclear power plant exploded, the iodine 131 and cesium 134 were radiated into the air.

Iodine 131 and cesium 134 are made artificially, so they are unstable. These unstable atoms try to break into something, to become stable. So what they do is, give out radiation and heat. This radiation is what has now, created very a troublesome deal. That radiation, however, cannot go through water very well. It is why concrete, having a fuel rod inside it, was used to make the walls. (Concrete has lots of water in it.)

Making sure of the measurements

The number of radioactive substances (iodine 131 and cesium 134) is measured by becquerel (Bq) and the amount of damage and affection to people from the radiation is measured by sievert (Sv).

Here is a more detailed explanation.

The amount of iodine 131 and cesium 134 break up (to become stable) per second is measured, becquerel (Bq). To make it easy to compare, we say the item's weight is 1 kg. So for example, if the radioactive substance is 6400 becquerel, then that means that 1kg of burned ash gives out 6400 radiation per 1 second.

We measure the damage from the radiation affecting us, people, and animals, sievert (Sv). When multiplying the amount of becquerel (Bq) by a certain number, you can get the amount of sievert (Sv). We call that certain number, Radiation Weighting Factor.

Why are iodine 131 and cesium 134 such a big problem?

When uranium breaks up to become a stable atom, there is a high percentage of it becoming to be iodine 131 and cesium 134 instead of a different atom. And iodine 131 and cesium 134 are easy to get into your body. They can get into your body when you eat through your mouth and when you breathe and inhale.

When will the radiation continue?

Half of all the iodine131 will finish in 8 days. So in those 8 days, half of the iodine131 will become a safety substance called xenon as it gives out gamma rays. And by the next 8 more days, half of what is left will lessen. They will lessen by half every 8 days and so then about 180 days after the plant exploded, iodine131 will be almost completely gone. So this means that there will be no worries that there are any iodine131 in the burned ash that has arrived in Yokohama.

So as the power plant exploded, iodine 131 was a problem, but now, it is not a problem anymore, so there is no need to worry.

Iodine131 can get into your body from what you eat and drink, and (not anymore, only soon after the explosion), from the air. Iodine itself is something the human body requires to take in, and it accumulated in the thyroid gland. But if you take in iodine131, then it will concentrate onto the thyroid gland and local exposure will occur. When you take in iodine131 before 8 days have passed after the plant had exploded, then you will rapidly intake radiation and you will have internal exposure. Small children especially can get worse damage because they have more cell division than adults, meaning that they can damage their DNA much faster. (The double helix structure of the DNA gets loose when the cell divides. It is the reason why people’s hair (a part of prosperous cell division) in Hiroshima came out when the atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima.)

Cesium 134 will lessen by half in 2.06 years. Cesium 134 changes (to become more stable) much slower than iodine131. It has been about half a year after the explosion, so about 10 to 20 percent of the cesium 134 has been changed into a safety substance, so about 80 percent of the cesium 134 is still left. Cesium 134 becomes liquid as it goes into the winds and it gets into your body by breathing. It gets into your muscles and your bones. This time’s ash burial’s worries are due to the safety of the cesium 134.

So, the ash burial in Yokohama (during March) is 6400-becquerel maximum. Its number is much smaller, so we are overestimating. Half a year had passed so the number had lessened to about 5000becquerel.

The possibility of taking in the cesium 134 is about two in one hundred million. So if we calculate it to this time’s burial, then it will be 5100×1/10×2.0/100000000 = 0.00001sievert/kg = 10 microsievert/kg. If you suppose you breathed in the whole 1kg of the ash, you will exposure 10 microsievert radiation. In real life, you wouldn’t be able to breathe in 1 gram, but if you did, then it would be one out of one thousand so you will exposure 00.1micro sievert radiation.

A year has 365 days × 24 hours so it is 8760 times larger, so in one year you will take in 0.0876 millisieverts. According to the Safety Standards of IAEA, the maximum radiation you are allowed to take in per year is one millisievert. Hence, the amount from the ash burial in Yokohama is within the Safety Standards. The amount of radiation before the Fukushima nuclear power plant exploded was 2.5 millisievert.

I, Masayuki Nishina believe that the ash burial in Yokohama creates no troubles scientifically. I also see that it is Yokohama and Tokyo’s responsibility to deal with the ash, for we use electricity from the Tokyo Electric Power Company, and we cannot let Fukushima and the rest of the Tohoku Area down.

September 19, 2011

Masayuki Nishina

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